Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A True Specialist for Specialty Care

While many laypeople think of a dentist as an all-encompassing term for a healthcare professional who handles all procedures relating to oral care, the truth is that very few dentists can properly perform the most advanced procedures that patients regularly require. The root canal procedure is the perfect example of one that should be handled by a Bakersfield endodontist, rather than a general dentist.
Dr. Malhotra has over a decade of experience as an endodontic specialist, and has spent that time perfecting his methods and technique when performing the all-important root canal procedure. Dr. Malhotra can perform both surgical and non-surgical root canal procedures, and caters each treatment method directly to the needs of the patient. In general, specialists have much more experience treating a specific set of problems, and are much more highly aware of the alternate steps that must be taken if a patient has extraordinary needs. Our entire staff is committed to going above and beyond for each of our patients, no matter how serious or simple their case may be.

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